Rx Disulfiram 250 / 500 mg: Generic Antabuse

Rx Disulfiram 250


Buy Cheap Generic Antabuse Online

Rx Disulfiram (Generic Antabuse) is a drug that causes the following negative effects in combination with ethyl alcohol: nausea, vomiting, flushes of blood to the face, tachycardia, hypotension, etc.; alcohol consumption after taking it is extremely unpleasant, which forms a conditioned reflex aversion to the smell and taste of alcoholic beverages.

  • Brand: Rx Disulfiram
  • Composition: Disulfiram
  • Power: 250mg, 500mg
  • Treatment: Alcoholism: treatment and prevention of relapses of chronic alcoholism
  • Manufacturer: Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
  • Country of Origin: India

What happens after using Generic Antabuse?

To understand how the drug for alcoholism works, it is necessary to understand the processes that occur in the human body after taking alcohol. To neutralize and “neutralize” ethanol, the liver produces two enzymes — alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehydrogenase. Alcohol dehydrogenase is responsible for the breakdown of alcohol to acetic aldehyde, acetaldehydrogenase is responsible for the transformation of the latter into a safe non—toxic compound.

Normally, both enzymes are released almost at the same time and in approximately equal amounts. But some of the acetaldehyde during drunkenness still gets into the systemic circulation. It is because of him that in the morning after drinking alcohol, a person suffers from nausea, headaches.

As a result of taking the drug Generic Antabuse, the production of acetaldehydrogenase stops altogether. This means that if an addict takes alcohol after using the drug, toxic acetic aldehyde will enter the bloodstream in huge quantities. Because of this, the alcoholic will face not the usual hangover for him, but the strongest and most dangerous poisoning.

What are the effects of Generic Antabuse on the body?

He will vomit, vomit. The blood will rush to the face. The whole body will begin to ache. The heartbeat will increase. Red spots will appear on the body. There may be jumps in blood pressure. The condition is always very serious and requires qualified medical care.

Thus, the treatment with Generic Antabuse is aimed at developing a conditional negative reflex of the body to take alcohol. With chronic alcoholism, doctors recommend giving preference to filing an implant or giving an injection. This frees the patient from the need to constantly take pills.

What are the contraindications of Generic Antabuse?


  • Severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, including uncompensated heart failure and coronary circulatory disorders, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease;
  • severe organic brain lesions, anamnestic data on stroke;
  • severe renal insufficiency; neuropsychiatric disorders, including psychoses, risks of suicide attempts, severe forms of pathologies related to personality disorder;
  • severe liver dysfunction with exceeding the upper limit of the norm of activity of microsomal liver enzymes by 3 times or more, information in the anamnesis about adverse reactions from the liver during previous therapy with disulfiram;
  • alcohol intoxication or the use of ethanol-containing drugs or beverages for 24 hours before taking the drug; drug dependence syndrome;
  • pregnancy and lactation (there is insufficient data on the safety and efficacy of Generic Antabuse in this category of patients); children and adolescents under 18 years of age (there are no data on the safety and efficacy of use);
  • hypersensitivity to disulfiram or auxiliary components of the drug.


Generic Antabuse is used with caution in diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, signs of irreversible brain damage, renal failure, diseases of the respiratory system or liver, epilepsy or convulsive syndrome of any genesis (increased likelihood of disulfiram-ethanol reaction to a more severe degree), peripheral neuropathy, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, optic neuritis, and also in old age (after 60 years).

Disulfiram in the blood: how does the drug work?

The appointment is carried out only by a narcologist, the patient must be absolutely sober. Before the procedure, the patient must maintain sobriety for 3-5 days. By itself, the drug is harmless, over time Disulfiram is completely eliminated from the body. During the period of active treatment, after taking a small dose of alcohol, unpleasant sensations begin. A rapid heartbeat can lead to a panic attack, a person can be thrown into a fever or cold.

Circulatory disorders cause blood to rush to the face. There is almost always nausea, gag reflex. In this state, there is often a fear of death. This leads to the fact that an alcoholic simply will not have the desire to even hold on to a glass. The sight of a bottle of vodka will cause negative associations.

Disulfiram prevents the formation of an enzyme that decomposes ethyl alcohol into two key components – water and carbon dioxide. The drug slows down this process at the moment when C2H5OH becomes a poison – acetic aldehyde. If the patient begins to take alcoholic beverages, then severe food poisoning occurs in his body. The symptoms described above will appear. After the experience, an alcoholic will feel a clear aversion to alcohol-containing liquids, even beer will cause negative emotions.

Method of application and dosage of Generic Antabuse

Generic Antabuse is taken orally with 1/2 cup of water. The drug is used only under the supervision of a doctor. Therapy is prescribed after a thorough clinical examination of the patient and a warning about abstinence from alcohol during treatment, as well as possible complications and consequences. The drug is taken according to an individual scheme determined by the attending physician, at the rate of 200-500 mg 1-2 times a day.

After 7-10 days from the start of therapy, it is necessary to conduct a disulfiram-alcohol test. To do this, the patient is given 20-30 ml of alcohol after taking 500 mg of the drug, if the reaction is weak, the alcohol dose is increased to 30-50 ml (the maximum permissible dose of vodka is 100-120 ml).

After 1-2 days, the sample is repeated in a hospital, after 3-5 days – on an outpatient basis, if necessary, adjust the doses of alcohol and / or the drug. In the future, Generic Antabuse can be used in a maintenance dose of 125-250 mg / day for 1-3 years.

Side Effects of Generic Antabuse

When planning the use of Generic Antabuse, the patient should familiarize himself with possible side reactions in advance.

Common side effects:

  • unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth;
  • memory degradation;
  • difficulties with orientation in space;
  • headaches;
  • asthenia;
  • polyneuritis of the lower extremities;
  • optic nerve neuritis;
  • allergic skin rashes.

All these side effects are rare. Most patients of drug centers tolerate treatment with disulfiram-containing drugs well.

Side effects if the patient takes alcohol

Then he may have:

  • respiratory failure;
  • cardiovascular collapse;
  • cerebral edema;
  • heart rate failure;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • psychosis;
  • thrombosis of cerebral vessels;
  • edema;
  • convulsions.

With such complications, urgent hospitalization to a hospital is indicated, where the implant will be removed (if it has been installed), symptomatic therapy will be performed.

It is very important to be aware of the seriousness of the anti-alcohol treatment. It should not be coded if there is no persistent motivation for sobriety. To begin with, the patient needs to tune in to a full recovery, set new important goals for himself.

If he cannot do it himself, it is recommended to seek help from an experienced psychotherapist of a drug treatment center. The specialist will help you realize the presence of the disease and understand its severity, set you up for successful treatment and change your life for the better.

Drug Interaction Generic Antabuse

Ascorbic acid reduces the reaction of disulfiram to ethanol.

The combined use of Generic Antabuse and alcohol (alcoholic beverages and drugs containing alcohol) is contraindicated, since this can cause intolerance reactions accompanied by blood flushes, erythema, vomiting, tachycardia.

Other undesirable and cautionary combinations with disulfiram:

  • isoniazid – possible violation of coordination and behavior;
  • ornidazole, secnidazole, metronidazole, tinidazole (nitro-5-imidazoles) – can cause confusion and delirious disorders;
  • phenytoin – disulfiram suppresses its metabolism, as a result, there is a rapid and significant rise in the level of phenytoin in plasma, accompanied by toxic symptoms;
  • oral anticoagulants (including warfarin) – their effect and the risk of bleeding increases as a result of a decrease in the breakdown in the liver (more frequent monitoring of the concentration and dose adjustment of anticoagulants, including for 8 days after the withdrawal of disulfiram);
  • theophylline – it is necessary to adjust its dose downward depending on the plasma concentration and clinical symptoms (due to the inhibition of theophylline metabolism by disulfiram);
  • benzodiazepines – Generic Antabuse is able to potentiate their sedative effect by inhibiting oxidative metabolism (especially diazepam and chlordiazepoxide), which requires correction dosages according to the clinical picture;
  • tricyclic antidepressants – there is a possibility of an increased reaction of ethanol intolerance, especially in patients taking alcohol on the background of disulfiram therapy.

When the above combinations cannot be avoided, during therapy and after treatment with Generic Antabuse, monitoring of plasma concentrations of the drug and regular clinical monitoring of patients is necessary.

Generic Antabuse Antidote

Often, drugs that contain disulfiram are administered to a person forcibly, against his will. Almost always such a patient tries to find an antidote. But it does not exist, it will not be possible to remove the substance ahead of time. If there is a strong reaction to alcoholic beverages, then doctors proceed to gradual intoxication. This is a rather long, complicated process. You will need to inject ascorbic acid, Ephedrine, H1 blockers. It can take from twelve hours to two days. But Disulfiram will not be completely removed – the degree of poisoning of a person will simply decrease.

Such procedures are carried out only in emergency cases, the excretion itself can negatively affect the body. A serious dose of ascorbic acid often leads to irreversible consequences, physiological damage. This can cause stomach ulcers or cirrhosis of the liver. There are cases of impotence and cancerous tumors. Many narcologists recommend to be extremely careful with the use of the drug. https://tadasiva.com You can always consult a psychiatrist or take a simpler course of therapeutic treatment.
